News Article

What knowledge is missing to derive a microplastic threshold value?

Microplastic experts review mammalian in vivo effect studies and develop non-regulatory health-based screening level value for microplastics in drinking water; scientists provide research recommendations to better understand microplastic toxicity, effect levels, and potential health risks to humans and aquatic ecosystems; review discusses nanoplastics’ role in food allergy

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Thailand introduces standard for fluoropolymer coated cooking utensils

Thai Industrial Standards Institute publishes updated standard for metal, fluoropolymer coated utensils in contact with hot foods; standard borrows from EU overall migration test methods for plastic materials and ISO standards; comes into force April 2, 2023; Thai ministries introduce tax incentive to reduce fossil-plastic use

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Researchers propose Global Plastic Pollution Observation System

Environmental Science and Technology publishes paper proposing the establishment of the Global Plastic Pollution Observation System; would assist evidence-based policymaking by standardizing data collection on plastic pollution in atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystems; serve as “umbrella” by partnering with existing programs and initiatives at multiple scales

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US FDA and EPA publish requests for information on PFAS

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks for information on the use of fluorinated polyethylene for food contact and dietary exposure due to migration; US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks responses to specific questions to help form PFAS strategic action plan; FDA comment period open until October 18, 2022, and EPA period until August 29, 2022

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Guidance document for PMT/vPvM substances

German Environment Agency (UBA) provides updated guidelines for identifying substances that are persistent, mobile, and toxic (PMT) or very persistent and very mobile (vPvM); finds 260 REACH registered substances meet set criteria, prioritizes 122 for further investigation