Events Webinar

Putting the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability into action: Looking forward

Fourth webinar in the Food Packaging Forum’s Spring 2021 series on challenges and opportunities for food contact materials (FCMs) within the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS); presentations focus on implementing the CSS including how to deal with complexity and improve EU FCM regulation

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Grouping of nanoforms

ECHA, JRC and RIVM release guidance report on nanoform grouping in harzard assessment; recommend minimizing toxicological testing

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EFSA stakeholder workshop on small particles and nanoparticles in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) presentations provide guidance on small particles in food and feed applications (i) evaluating the potential presence of particles in ‘conventional’ materials and (ii) how to perform nano-specific risk assessment; stakeholders share experience and discuss practices to implement guidance cost-effectively