News Article

Spain passes comprehensive waste reduction regulation, eases the way for reuse

New Spanish waste law includes extensive waste reduction measures and targets across the entire supply chain; bans bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates in food packaging; mandates food providers offer tap water for free and accept reusable containers if customers bring them; 20% of floor space in large grocery stores must be for food without packaging; establishes extended producer responsibility scheme and bottle-to-bottle recycling program

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Zero Waste Cities webinar series

Monthly webinars to feature expert presentations and discussion panels between October and June 2020; address topics such as COVID-19 pandemic impacts on zero waste, packaging-free stores, and effective systems for reuse; registration free

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Chile passes comprehensive plastics legislation

Chilean legislature unanimously passes comprehensive single-use and recycled plastics regulations; regulation bans single-use plastic use within a food establishment, compels markets and convenience stores to only sell recyclable beverage containers, beverage containers must contain plastic collected and recycled within Chile; regulations come into effect over 3 years