News Article

UK reviews biobased and biodegradable plastics

UK government releases report summarizing stakeholders comments regarding bio-based, biodegradable plastics contribution to circular economy; discusses knowledge gaps; finds lower carbon footprint, potential negative impacts on land-use, waste management; determines use of biodegradables should be limited to specific applications; degradation in the open environment unclear


Talks & Presentations

Resources Talks and Presentations The Food Packaging Forum has given many scientific talks and presentations on topics related to food packaging and health at events around the world. It also hosts an annual workshop as well as regular webinars that invite key speakers in the field. Many of these presentations have been recorded and are freely available to watch on the FPF website. Associated links and documents are also provided. FPF Workshop Talks The Food Packaging Forum hosts an annual workshop […]

News Article

Scientists evaluate inhaled microplastics

Report microplastics occur in lower airways of European citizens with the majority being fibers; evaluate microplastics indoor and outdoor exposure sources; work out established particle domains and paradigms can help predict toxicity of inhaled microplastic particles

News Article

EU Council adopts single-use plastic bans

European Council formally adopts new rules on single-use plastics and recycling targets; directive completes final step before becoming law; England to ban plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds from April 2020