News Article

CoE resolution calls for harmonized EU FCM regulation

Council of Europe (CoE) releases resolution on safety and quality of food contact materials (FCMs); calls for harmonization of quality requirements and test procedures for chemicals in FCMs based on technical guides; recommends to implement measures reducing health risks from exposures

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Focus on the circular economy

In-depth article in C&EN discusses the circular economy, addresses management of hazardous chemicals; extensive background articles available in recent Nature special

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Mercosur updates plastic food packaging regulation

South American trade bloc to no longer allow bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic food contact articles designed for children under 3 years old, lowers migration limit from other plastic FCAs; sets migration limits for 9 metals from plastic FCAs; adds substances to positive list for plastics and for cellulosic materials

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Basel Convention’s “Partnership on Plastic Waste”

International convention announces multi-stakeholder partnership to prevent and improve management of plastic waste, particularly for single-use plastics; focuses on better design of plastics to increase durability, re-usability, avoid hazardous substances