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Tox21 Update

Environmental Health Perspectives reports on Tox21 advances, issues from Phase I to be resolved in Phase II

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Studies examine phthalate migration from PVC films and adhesives

Recent articles in scientific journals analyze plastic packaging and adhesive materials used in contact with food for phthalate content and migration; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling films and adhesive labels are source of phthalate contamination to food; food characteristics, e.g., structure of fruit peel, lipid content, influence migration level; recommend avoiding direct food contact to labels, minimizing exposure time

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JRC: Avoid pre-heating for migration testing

EU Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials completes study on the impacts of pre-heating food contact materials before migration testing; advises reference laboratories to avoid pre-heating

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Amendment to EU plastic FCM regulation

European Commission publishes 6th amendment to plastic FCM regulation; changes for 6 substances and inclusion of 10 new substances in Union List; new specific migration limits for aluminum and zinc; food simulants and compliance testing specified

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Study investigates pace of bioplastic innovation

Clarivate report finds bioplastics still in early developmental stage, volume of filed patents increasing at same rate as other sectors; research focus being placed on improving mechanical properties to compete with petrochemical-based plastics