News Article

Guide to design for recycled content

New guide aims to support brands and suppliers in increasing recycled content in packaging; provides specific guidance for a range of packaging material types

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ECETOC report recommends alternative AFs

European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) publishes report reviewing derived no-effect levels (DNELs); finds European Chemicals Agency’s default assessment factors (AFs) “in some cases overly conservative”; recommends reviewing and using alternative AFs

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DG Sante webinar on BPA restriction in food contact

Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante) explains the ban of bisphenol A in food contact materials in the EU and discusses what comes next; ban will only affect “intentional use”; comes into force late 2025 or early 2026

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Opinion: EDC criteria ‘flawed’

HEAL director discusses why recently adopted EU EDC criteria are insufficient to ease public health burden resulting from exposure to EDCs; calls on European Parliament to reject ‘flawed’ criteria

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Governments and stakeholders reflect on toxics in recycling

Recycling association, non-governmental organization, and European Commission comment on ways to safely minimize and manage substances of concern in recycling streams during transition to circular economy; Dutch national institute publishes report identifying challenges and recommendations, describes 2050 national goal

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Scientific Advisory Board

The Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Scientific Advisory Board serves as an expert pool for the FPF and supports the FPF through scientific peer review.