News Article

Effective plastics treaty needs to include investments in reduce, reuse, and redesign, scientists highlight

Reveal financial disbalance in Zero Draft to favor recycling over reduction, redesign, and reuse; prone to result in even more plastic waste generation; call for finance shift towards upstream, midstream solutions such as clear and strong extended producer responsibility obligations in the global plastics treaty

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Update: More US states now ban PFAS in food packaging

Connecticut, Vermont, and Minnesota join set of US states that ban use of PFAS in food packaging; Vermont ban also implements a procedure for considering phase-out of bisphenols in food packaging; Minnesota bill funds study to find which products within the state contain PFAS; Governor of New Mexico call on US Environmental Protection Agency to list PFAS as hazardous waste

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Updated draft of German mineral oil ordinance

German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture proposes requiring use of a functional barrier in food contact materials containing recycled paper; exemptions can be granted by demonstrating migration below 0.5 mg MOAH/kg food or 0.15 mg MOAH/kg food simulant; comments accepted until November 18, 2020