News Article

Predicting toxic effects of chemicals

Computational method developed to predict toxic effects of everyday chemicals in human individuals and populations; crowd-sourced study integrates findings from many different laboratories to build more robust model

News Article

ECHA proposes not approving 4 silver compounds in FCMs

European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) announces opinion not approving silver compounds for application in food contact materials (FCMs); includes silver zinc zeolite, silver zeolite, silver copper zeolite, silver sodium hydrogen zirconium phosphate; finds risk unacceptable for human health; next meeting scheduled in June 2021

News Article

FPF submits feedback on packaging and packaging waste regulation

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) responds to European Commission’s call for feedback on the proposed packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR); FPF highlights aspects of food packaging and chemical safety that should be included in future versions; primarily (i) considering presence of hazardous chemicals in packaging materials meant to be recycled or reused, (ii) clearly defining compostable packaging and guaranteeing safety, and (iii) defining inertness

News Article

Comparing EU and Chinese FCM policy

News provider and consultancy ChemLinked publishes article comparing Chinese and European food contact material (FCM) policies