News Article

New FPF dossier: Can coatings

2 FPF articles on can coatings published; Food Packaging & Health article summarizes key issues of can coatings; FPF dossier provides comprehensive scientific background information

News Article

State of the science and regulation – microplastics and nanoplastics

California State Policy Evidence Consortium and DG Environment publish reports on the abundance, health effects and (potential) regulations on microplastics and nanoplastics, respectively; first finds most regulations come from California or EU and concern banning microbeads or mandating more research; second argues against a lower size cutoff of nanoplastics since the smaller the plastic particles, the more likely they can cross biological membranes

Resources Research Projects

FCCH Project

Research project Food Contact Chemicals & Human Health Project The Food Packaging Forum is systematically investigating the use and hazards of food contact chemicals, their migration into foods, presence in humans, and associated health effects Mapping the Evidence on FCCs Food packaging and other food contact articles are a source of human exposure to chemicals. This is because many of the food contact chemicals (FCCs) that are present in food contact materials (FCMs) are not tightly bound within the material’s […]