News Article

Oligomers in PEF polyester

Scientists find ‘abundant’ oligomers in polyethylene furanoate, identify 20 circular and linear oligomer species sized <1000 Da; exact quantities of migrating oligomers to be determined in future investigations

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Migration of styrene oligomers into food

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment evaluates migration of styrene oligomers from FCMs into food simulants; finds no evidence for health risks at currently measured migration levels

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Nanoclay migration from FCM

Study investigates nanoclay migration from commercialized nanoclay-LDPE food bags; aluminum migrates in both dissolved and nanoparticle forms; also particles of assumed plastic origin found

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Draft Chinese FCM adhesives standard

Chinese National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment publishes draft standard for adhesives used in food contact materials; includes positive list of base polymers, maximum use amount, migration limits; public consultation open until July 20, 2019

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Japan revises positive list for FCMs

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare publishes revised version of positive list for food contact materials (FCMs); applies to utensils, containers, and packaging made of synthetic resins; 83 substances added to the list of plastic polymers, 192 to coatings, 29 to monomers, and 121 to additives