News Article

Scientists explore international bisphenol levels in packaging, food, and urine

Four studies investigate bisphenol (BP) migration from packaging, occurrence in foodstuff, and human urine; report BPA migration from Nigerian epoxy-coated cans into malt drinks; detect four bisphenols in packaged water and honey samples; find BPS in Canadian meat products from 2008 to 2020 suggesting BPS is not a recent phenomenon; measure higher bisphenol alternative levels in Belgian population in 2018 than 2015

News Article

Discussion on polymer registration under REACH goes into 4th round

EU Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) subgroup members debate on the identification of polymers requiring registration and their grouping; consider different opinions of stakeholders on group size, acceptable hazard variation within a group and options to deal with the variety of molecular weights one polymer can have; discussions to continue until end of 2021

Coronavirus and Packaging

CorOnavirus & Packaging During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food Packaging Forum helps to gather, summarize, and communicate relevant information related to food packaging and human health Overview The spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has had impacts across all sectors. As health authorities and scientists around the world work towards identifying solutions to bring the situation under control, the Food Packaging Forum is monitoring the situation closely. This page serves as a resource providing an overview of relevant scientific studies, […]

News Article

Nordic Council checks compliance of products sold online

Inspectors from Nordic countries examine 361 products ordered online for compliance with various EU chemicals legislation; find 53% non-compliant, higher rate of non-compliance for products sold by companies outside of EU; lead, short chain chlorinated paraffins, diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) detected most often


Brand and Retailer Initiatives Database

Brand & retailer Initiatives Database To help keep track of the global shift towards chemically safe and more resource-conscious food packaging, the Food Packaging Forum has developed a database of voluntary initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers Jump to dashboard About the database In an effort to improve the chemical safety and resource efficiency of the food contact materials (FCMs) and articles (FCAs) they use, food brands and retailers from around the world have gone beyond legal requirements […]

News Article

Rare earth elements found in FCMs, recycled plastics

Researchers at University of Plymouth find rare earth elements in 24 of 31 tested products including children’s toys, food contact materials (FCMs); highest abundance in plastic recycled from electronic waste; authors suggest plastic recycling process as source for contamination; suggest elements as indicators for presence of other additives such as brominated flame retardants