News Article

Combined evidence supports low-dose effects of BPA

Scientists integrate and interpret data from 8 of the 14 academic studies completed under the CLARITY-BPA project; link bisphenol A (BPA) exposure to impacts across multiple organs including brain, heart, prostate, mammary gland, ovaries; strengthen confidence in low-dose effects of BPA; co-authors to present results in webinar on July 21, 2020

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Hazardous chemicals in European products: new SCIP database

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launches database of all notifications from EU companies of products containing Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs); contains over 4 million article notifications from 6000 companies; includes articles such as food processors; Swedish Chemicals Agency launches pilot project to identify potentially hazardous chemicals early in product design process

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FPF celebrates a decade committed to food packaging safety

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) celebrates ten years of independent research on food packaging, chemicals, and health to help guide evidence-based dialogue across all levels of the food and packaging supply chain; FPF remains committed to reviewing and communicating complex scientific information with the aim of safeguarding human health and the environment into its next decade