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FPF article on chemical risk assessment

FPF publishes new context article explaining chemical risk assessment, hazard identification, dose response assessment, exposure assessment and hazard characterization

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Recommendations on implementation of EPR

Upstream publishes overview article discussing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, sees recent improvements; views EPR as foundation of circular economy and calls for EPR policies to also focus on developing new reuse/refill systems, include targets for litter prevention and mitigation; advocates for binding reuse targets similar to EU’s recycling targets to create conditions for businesses to safely invest in upscaling reuse

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"Future Food Initiative" launched

Swiss companies partner with local universities on research program aimed to provide affordable nutrition, accelerate healthy foods, search for sustainable packaging

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Survey on willingness to pay to avoid health impacts

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to improve methodologies for assessing costs and benefits of chemicals management; planned study to include surveys on consumers’ willingness to pay to avoid adverse health and environmental impacts

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Workshop discusses developments in read-across

Journal article presents summary of presentations and discussions from European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (Ecetoc) workshop; finds new approach methodologies useful for read-across in chemical safety assessments, identifies areas for improvement

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Chemical migration from silicone baking materials

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) finds that chemicals of concern migrate from silicone baking molds sold in Europe, including three siloxanes classified as SVHCs; 23% of 44 products tested release chemical constituents in high (>30 mg/kg) or increasing amounts over time; BEUC calls for stricter EU rules for silicone food contact materials