News Article

Carcinogenicity of ‘cocktails’ highlighted

Series of new studies finds mixtures of everyday non-carcinogenic chemicals to be of concern for causing cancer; individual chemicals present at low levels; opportunity for improvement of chemical risk assessment and primary prevention of cancer

News Article

Discussion on polymer registration under REACH goes into 4th round

EU Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) subgroup members debate on the identification of polymers requiring registration and their grouping; consider different opinions of stakeholders on group size, acceptable hazard variation within a group and options to deal with the variety of molecular weights one polymer can have; discussions to continue until end of 2021

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Pre-registration challenges in K-REACH

Consumer goods company Proctor and Gamble comments on challenges they face during registration under Korean chemicals legislation; highlights difficulty in obtaining data on chemical substances used and in joint registration of polymers

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Spain passes comprehensive waste reduction regulation, eases the way for reuse

New Spanish waste law includes extensive waste reduction measures and targets across the entire supply chain; bans bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates in food packaging; mandates food providers offer tap water for free and accept reusable containers if customers bring them; 20% of floor space in large grocery stores must be for food without packaging; establishes extended producer responsibility scheme and bottle-to-bottle recycling program

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ACC challenges listing DINP under Proposition 65

American Chemistry Council (ACC) submits petition to California’s supreme court challenging listing of diisononyl phthalate (DINP); highest court has at least 60 days to decide on petition and make final ruling