News Article

Reviews examine biobased polymers

Several recent reviews examine the value chain of biobased polymers; discuss clarification of terms such as biobased, degradable, biodegradable, and compostable; define “biotechnological recycling (bio-recycling)” as the use of enzymes and microorganisms in a technological setting to biodegrade polymers; three biodegradable polymers assessed in marine field trials

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UN committee recommends global ban of UV-328

18th meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Review Committee recommends global elimination of the UV stabilizer known as UV-328 under the Stockholm Convention; time limited exemptions proposed for some current uses; Convention will review the proposal for finalization in May 2023

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U.S. authorities’, CHEM Trust’s recent efforts on PFAS

U.S. EPA submits proposals for significant new use rule for long-chain PFAS, additions to toxics release inventory; Connecticut PFAS task force publishes draft action plan, proposes to evaluate requiring disclosure of PFAS in products; CHEM Trust publishes briefing on PFAS calling for urgent action on the entire family of chemicals