
ADI ADI refers to the “Acceptable Daily Intake” and describes the amount of a substance that any individual can safely consume over a life time without it posing an appreciable/inacceptable health risk. The concept is used for substances such as additives, pesticide residues or veterinary drugs. In the US, the FDA also uses the concept for food contact materials.   Benzophenone Benzophenone (CAS 119-61-9) is an organic compound which is used as a photoinitiator in printing inks applied to food […]

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Guidance on barrier bags

Swiss Packaging Institute publishes new guidance document on barriers for inner bags of recycled cartons; sets benchmark for barrier efficiency to ensure minimal migration of unwanted chemicals from carton into food

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Workshop on synergies between REACH and EU FCM laws

CHEM Trust organizes workshop in Brussels with EU governments and regulatory experts; discusses roles REACH data could have to support FCM safety, challenges of chemicals in non-harmonized FCMs; presentations and detailed minutes published to support ongoing discussions

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EU launches ToxRisk project aiming to develop more efficient and animal-free chemical safety assessment

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Beyond BPA – Many bisphenols migrate from food packaging

Four studies investigate bisphenol (BP) migration from food packaging and human health effects; demonstrate wide presence of 11 bisphenols in polystyrene take-out food containers from China, Canada, and Poland; report material quality influences BPA migration from polycarbonate cups; indicate higher BPA migration from lined cans than plastic packaging into meat based on probabilistic models; find bisphenols A, F, and S induce genotoxic effects and changes in human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) expression using human blood cells