News Article

UK supermarket coalition co-developing refill system

Four UK supermarket chains announce they are partnering to create a single food refill system that works across all their stores and delivery platforms; want to reduce single-use plastic packaging; details and trial locations to be announced later in 2022

Publication Peer-reviewed papers

A vision for safer food contact materials: Public health concerns as drivers for improved testing

Muncke, J., Andersson, A.M., Backhaus, T., Belcher, S.M., Boucher, J.M., Almroth, B.C., Collins, T.J., Geueke, B., Groh, K.J., Heindel, J.J., von Hippel, F.A., Legler, J., Maffini, M.V., Martin, O.V., Myers, J.P., Nadal, A., Nerin, C., Soto, A.M., Trasande, L., Vandenberg, L.N., Wagner, M., Zimmermann, L., Zoeller, R.T., Scheringer, M.
2023, Environment Journal
News Article

Assessing the circularity of single-use glass

Zero Waste Europe and Eunomia investigate the circularity of single-use container glass in Germany, France, the UK and US; Germany has the highest collection rates for glass and the highest proportion of recycled glass in containers; US is the lowest due to lack of collection facilities and mixed collection of glass with other packaging types; collecting glass separately and by color is the most effective way to increase circularity