News Article

Study finds PFAS in 100% of sampled breastmilk

Environmental Science and Technology publishes study in which 100% of milk samples from breast-feeding mothers contained at least one of 39 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); Phased-out PFOS and PFOA were most abundant compounds but currently used short-chain PFAS such as PFHpA and PFHpA detected in majority of samples and becoming more common; The Guardian reports chemical companies hid risks about short-chain PFAS in food packaging

News Article

Le Monde and EHN scrutinize science and authors behind recent EDC editorial

Published editorial argues exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals ’generally negligible’; Le Monde criticizes editorial’s 19 authors’ lack of scientific expertise on EDCs, citation of outdated studies, duplicate publication in eight different journals, undeclared conflicts of interest; EHN article dubs editorial ‘unethical attempt to foster the views of the chemical industry at the expense of human health’