News Article

Concern over data gaps for fluorotelomers

Feature article by Chemical Watch reviews ongoing scientific and regulatory discussions concerning uncertainties and data gaps to describe presence and toxicity of fluorotelomer breakdown products; widespread use in food packaging increasing scrutiny of the issue

News Article

EFSA conference 2018: Human health

Presentations at EFSA conference 2018 address advances and challenges in human health risk assessment; NTP official confirms that there will be a third CLARITY-BPA report integrating academic and regulatory studies

News Article

Safety of food additives questioned

Knowledge gaps for 80% of food additives, including food contact substances, hinder proper safety assessment and may be a public health problem, finds new study by The Pew Charitable Trusts scientists

News Article

Third party proficiency testing of laboratories

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) launches proficiency testing of laboratories providing services to measure heavy metal concentrations in foods; results to inform Baby Foods Council, help stakeholders identify capable laboratories