News Article

Consumers perceive compostable packaging as most sustainable, report says

McKinsey report investigates consumers’ attitudes toward sustainability in food packaging; finds hygiene & food safety, as well as shelf life are most important aspects to consumers; consumers think compostable and plant-based packaging is the most sustainable, metal containers among least sustainable

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EFSA to review BPA once more

EFSA reviews effects of BPA on immune system by summer 2016; general reevaluation of BPA to start in 2017; final scientific opinion scheduled for 2018

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NGO petitions German government to ban plastic packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables

Civil society organization Foodwatch Germany is petitioning the German government to follow the lead of France and Spain in banning plastic packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables; claims ban would save more than 60,000 tons of plastic waste; French ban went into effect January 2022, Spain plans ban for 2023, Foodwatch petitions Germany for ban by 2026

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Opinion: Sperm crisis afoot

Wall Street Journal reviews science on declining male fertility, experts point to the role of prenatal lifestyle and chemical exposures

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Concerns over EU’s ability to meet set recycling targets

European Court of Auditors reviews EU response to growing plastic waste and regulation enacted to address it; warns EU member states not to underestimate challenge of achieving 50% recycling rate by 2025; new reporting rules, restrictions on plastic waste exports set to lower current recycling rates