News Article

EDC criteria awaited

CHEM Trust summarizes events surrounding the setting of EDC criteria in the EU; proposes science-based criteria considering endocrine mode of action linked to adverse effect; potency should not be included in criteria

News Article

Discussion on polymer registration under REACH goes into 4th round

EU Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) subgroup members debate on the identification of polymers requiring registration and their grouping; consider different opinions of stakeholders on group size, acceptable hazard variation within a group and options to deal with the variety of molecular weights one polymer can have; discussions to continue until end of 2021

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FDA denies citizen petition to ban phthalates in food contact materials

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejects two citizen petitions from 2016 asking it to remove 28 phthalates from food contact use for safety reasons; grants industry petition to remove 23 phthalates due to abandonment; FDA issues request for information on use and safety information of remaining phthalates; comments accepted until July 19, 2022

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NGOs call for lower PFHxA concentration limit

Consortium of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) submits comments on EU restriction proposal for perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and related substances; calls for concentration limits much lower than those currently proposed, transparent justification for limits proposed

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How to regulate polymers?

Chemical Watch commentary addresses the nature of polymerization reactions, provides technical background information explaining the challenges in the registration of polymers under REACH