Coronavirus and Packaging

CorOnavirus & Packaging During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food Packaging Forum helps to gather, summarize, and communicate relevant information related to food packaging and human health Overview The spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has had impacts across all sectors. As health authorities and scientists around the world work towards identifying solutions to bring the situation under control, the Food Packaging Forum is monitoring the situation closely. This page serves as a resource providing an overview of relevant scientific studies, […]

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Nordic Council checks compliance of products sold online

Inspectors from Nordic countries examine 361 products ordered online for compliance with various EU chemicals legislation; find 53% non-compliant, higher rate of non-compliance for products sold by companies outside of EU; lead, short chain chlorinated paraffins, diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) detected most often

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Studies investigate extractable and leachable FCCs, present collision cross section database

Scientists develop collisions cross section (CCS) database for leachable and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCs) to help in chemical identification during targeted and untargeted analysis; database covers 1038 CCS values; study tentatively identifies >100 migrants from 24 plastic food packaging articles including 11 that are of potential concern or are priority hazardous substances


Brand and Retailer Initiatives Database

Brand & retailer Initiatives Database To help keep track of the global shift towards chemically safe and more resource-conscious food packaging, the Food Packaging Forum has developed a database of voluntary initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers Jump to dashboard About the database In an effort to improve the chemical safety and resource efficiency of the food contact materials (FCMs) and articles (FCAs) they use, food brands and retailers from around the world have gone beyond legal requirements […]

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2-aminobenzamide migration from PET

Scientists analyze and model migration of acetaldehyde scavenger 2-aminobenzamide from PET bottles; suggest alternative accelerated test conditions

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ECHA strategy report highlights grouping

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes annual report of its Integrated Regulatory Strategy; presents results from recent review of registered substances with annual volumes greater than 100 tons, finds 56% lacking data; grouping approach helping to speed up regulatory actions, improve consistency

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Enzymatic recycling of PET

CARBIOS announces development of PET bottle made from ‘100% purified terephthalic acid’ obtained by ‘enzymatic biorecycling’ of mixed PET plastic waste, though challenges still remain to produce recycled resin fully comparable to virgin PET

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EU report on plastics innovations

EU Commission’s Directorate-General on Research and Innovation releases report on circular economy for plastics, summarizing research and innovation developments to provide reference information for future policy and funding decisions