News Article

EFSA: Dietary exposure to BPA is unsafe

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes scientific opinion on bisphenol A (BPA); tolerable daily intake reduced by a factor of 20 000; concludes that there is a health concern from current dietary BPA exposure levels for entire population

News Article

Guidelines for characterization of recycling input

Plastics Recyclers Europe publishes new and revised characterization guiding requirements for recyclers to characterize received wastes, now includes recommended requirements for polyethylene and polypropylene films among others

News Article

EFSA seeks comments on chemical mixtures research and prioritization

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announces public consultation period concerning draft on “scientific criteria for grouping chemicals into assessment groups for human risk assessment” of chemical mixtures; particular focus on chemicals related to food and feed safety; seeking feedback from experts in chemical risk assessment, organizations and people in the field of chemicals mixtures and food safety; comment period ends July 10, 2021