News Article

Cefic releases mid-century report and action plan

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) publishes report outlining vision for European chemical industry until 2050, launches action plan to review and improve REACH registration dossiers

Events Presentation

Food packaging, reuse, and COVID-19

Food Packaging Forum presentation provides an overview of the multi-stakeholder debate related to the safety of reusable food packaging during the COVID-19 pandemic; reviews calls for action from industry associations, NGOs, and recommendations from governments

Events Webinar

Identifying chemicals and polymers of concern

Jane Muncke from the Food Packaging Forum presents on chemicals of concern in food packaging as part of a webinar dedicated to “identifying chemicals and polymers of concern” organized by the United Nations Environment Programme in preparation for the upcoming third negotiating session for the UN Global Plastics Treaty

News Article

JRC: Avoid pre-heating for migration testing

EU Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials completes study on the impacts of pre-heating food contact materials before migration testing; advises reference laboratories to avoid pre-heating

News Article

ES&T article scrutinizes claims made about reusable bags, COVID-19

Article in Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) critical of safety concerns raised by industry association related to reusable shopping bags, argues their infrequent handling poses less risk than other transmission pathways; explains that single-use paper bags would be safer option than plastic due to lower virus survival time


ADI ADI refers to the “Acceptable Daily Intake” and describes the amount of a substance that any individual can safely consume over a life time without it posing an appreciable/inacceptable health risk. The concept is used for substances such as additives, pesticide residues or veterinary drugs. In the US, the FDA also uses the concept for food contact materials.   Benzophenone Benzophenone (CAS 119-61-9) is an organic compound which is used as a photoinitiator in printing inks applied to food […]