News Article

FPF Workshop 2020: Work of IARC explained

Kate Guyton reviews the work of International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), underlines the essential role played by independent scientific experts, describes processes used for evidence synthesis and carcinogen classification; key characteristics of carcinogens constitute an important approach to cancer hazard identification

News Article

Water in aluminum cans

U.S. spring water brands use re-sealable aluminum cans as an alternative to plastic bottles

News Article

Le Monde and EHN scrutinize science and authors behind recent EDC editorial

Published editorial argues exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals ’generally negligible’; Le Monde criticizes editorial’s 19 authors’ lack of scientific expertise on EDCs, citation of outdated studies, duplicate publication in eight different journals, undeclared conflicts of interest; EHN article dubs editorial ‘unethical attempt to foster the views of the chemical industry at the expense of human health’

News Article

PFAS detected in European disposable food packaging

Coalition of civil society organizations samples paper food packaging articles from major fast-food chains and supermarkets across six European countries; chemical analysis finds 32 articles were intentionally treated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); differences identified among countries, results show the currently few national regulations on PFAS are effective where they are in place