News Article

EPHA envisions policy making healthy, sustainable food the default

European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) publishes position paper on the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy; supports creating a European public health vision including One Health concept, and that analyzes the health costs of non-action; highlights ways food system, including chemicals, affects Europeans’ health; states health impacts from chemicals “insufficiently quantified”

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EU committee rejects increasing lead limits in recycled PVC

Environment Committee of EU Parliament rejects EU Commission’s proposal to allow up to 2% lead by weight in recycled polyvinylchloride (PVC); see increased levels as unsafe and unnecessary given available PVC alternatives, argue recycling should not justify continued use of hazardous substances

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New database on global plastics laws and policies

Civil society organizations publish database to research, track, and visualize plastic legislation around the world; hope to reach scientists, policymakers, industry, journalists; tool launched in anticipation of the global Plastics Treaty negotiations in Nairobi, Kenya in November