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Fresenius Conference on EDCs

Fresenius Academy holds 7th International Conference on EDCs; UK regulatory representative and pesticide industry call for inclusion of ‘potency perspective’ in EDC identification criteria; most other country representatives and NGOs in favor of hazard-based identification

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EC proposes revisions to packaging and waste legislation

European Commission (EC) publishes proposal to revise the EU legislation on packaging and packaging waste; includes mandatory targets for waste reduction, re-use, and minimum recycled content in plastic packaging; based on three problems identified by an impact assessment: growing packaging waste generation, barriers to packaging recycling and re-use, and low recycling quality in plastic packaging 

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FAO updates COVID guidance for food businesses

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) updates their report on guidance for preventing transmission of COVID-19 within food businesses; states “data indicates that neither food nor food packaging is a pathway for the spread of viruses causing respiratory illnesses, including SARS-CoV-2”; update replaces guidance document from April 2020