Events Webinar

Putting the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability into action: Setting the scene

First webinar within Food Packaging Forum’s Spring 2021 webinar series on challenges and opportunities for food contact materials within the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; features two expert talks on hazardous chemicals and a history of safe and sustainable chemistry to support implementation of the strategy

Events 2019 Workshop

Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Accelerating science and innovation

About the 2019 Workshop The 2019 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place on October 24, 2019 under the theme “Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Accelerating science and innovation.” The event featured high profile speakers and offered an international platform for exchanging views and ideas with stakeholders across the field of food contact materials (FCMs). The FPF Workshop is a one-of-a-kind annual event in the field of FCMs to learn about recent developments in science, business, advocacy, […]

About Us Office Team

Jane Muncke

Managing Director and Chief Scientific Officer

About Us Office Team

Justin Boucher

Operations Director

News Article

Food Packaging Forum: Workshop 2015

FPF holds annual workshop on October 8, 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland; addresses chemical safety aspects of food packaging and provides outlook on future developments