News Article

Recent studies show that MNPs can negatively impact reproductive health

Studies confirm micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in human endometrial tissue, amniotic fluid, placentas, and feces of pregnant people; MNP presence in the endometrium is linked with recurrent miscarriages in humans, apoptosis in organoids, and reduced fertility in mice; higher MNPs exposure from seafood and bottled water consumption

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Special issue on EDCs and behavior

Special issue of peer-reviewed journal Hormones and Behavior focuses on endocrine disrupting chemicals’ effects on behavior; articles address molecular mechanisms, animal studies and epidemiological observations, discuss specific chemicals including BPA, triclosan, PBDEs, PFASs

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Study finds plant-based straws containing PFAS

Article published in peer-reviewed journal Chemosphere analyzes biodegradable paper straws for presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); tests 38 products, finds PFAS in 36, most frequently detects perfluorobutanoic acid, perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorohexanoic acid; challenges claim of biodegradability of plant-based straws

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Food packaging identified as primary source of aquatic litter

Nature Sustainability publishes research integrating litter inventories from seven aquatic environments around the globe; finds food packaging makes up the largest share of litter in all aquatic environments (50-88%), except the open ocean; of 112 litter types, 10 make up 75% of litter; top 4 items come from food packaging (44% of total): plastic bags, plastic bottles, food containers, cutlery, and wrappers