News Article

Front-runners in chemical footprinting report 2020

Clean Production Action releases annual results of its Chemical Footprint Project (CFP); finds seven “front-running” companies scoring over 80% have senior management engagement in chemical management, public disclosure of restricted substances, measure chemical footprint using the CFP reference list, invest in safer alternatives

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Beyond Plastics report provides overview and critiques of bioplastics

Report by Beyond Plastics introduces terminology, current regulations and certifications, data on toxicity, waste management options, and considerations for policymakers; criticizes voluntary standards overseen by industry groups; notes bioplastics can be just as toxic as conventional plastics; offers guidance and checklist for businesses to ask suppliers

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Date labels on packaging confuse consumers

Printed dates on food packaging found to be confusing for U.S. consumers and lead to food waste; date labels often communicate quality rather than safety; calls exist for further standardization

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Increased glass recycling

European Container Glass Federation publishes latest industry data on glass packaging recycling; EU wide recycling rate reaches record 73%

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ChemSec to host SIN List event

NGO plans full day event in Brussels to launch major update to Substitute It Now (SIN) List; new substances and substance categories to be added