News Article

Study finds EU guidance could help identify other EDCs

Scientists from Danish Technical University (DTU) assess butylparaben according to EU guidance for assessment of pesticides; find that approach positively identifies butylparaben as endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) even with different data availability; suggest guidance could be applied to wide range of chemicals to identify other EDCs

News Article

Webinar on COVID-19 and zero waste

Zero Waste Europe webinar on April 7, 2020 to examine how to prioritize public health while still progressing towards zero waste lifestyle during pandemic, feature speakers from association for sustainable resource management (ACR+) and the Food Packaging Forum


ADI ADI refers to the “Acceptable Daily Intake” and describes the amount of a substance that any individual can safely consume over a life time without it posing an appreciable/inacceptable health risk. The concept is used for substances such as additives, pesticide residues or veterinary drugs. In the US, the FDA also uses the concept for food contact materials.   Benzophenone Benzophenone (CAS 119-61-9) is an organic compound which is used as a photoinitiator in printing inks applied to food […]