News Article

Studies examine phthalate migration from PVC films and adhesives

Recent articles in scientific journals analyze plastic packaging and adhesive materials used in contact with food for phthalate content and migration; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling films and adhesive labels are source of phthalate contamination to food; food characteristics, e.g., structure of fruit peel, lipid content, influence migration level; recommend avoiding direct food contact to labels, minimizing exposure time

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U.S. state lawmakers focus on developing PFAS legislation

Analysis from Safer States finds 29 U.S. states currently considering over 180 chemicals policies; focus placed largely on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with 13 states specifically considering restrictions on PFAS in food packaging; Wisconsin opens online survey for PFAS Action Council until February 21, 2020

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NIAS migration from plastic wine corks

Scientific study uses non-targeted chemical analysis to provide an overview of chemicals migrating from 8 wine corks made of ethylene-vinyl acetate; identifies 50 compounds, 84% non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); finds one cork not suitable as food contact material

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Scientists present computer-based approach for designing safer chemicals

Dutch researchers introduce workflow to select chemicals for redesign and develop safer and more sustainable alternatives in a systematic, computer-aided way; illustrate and apply approach to identify and synthesize alternative to flame retardant with reduced persistency; emphasize need to improve knowledge and prediction on chemicals’ biodegradability