News Article

Bacardi launching biodegradable plastic bottle

Spirits manufacturer set to replace material used across its brands globally, first new bottles to reach markets in 2023; polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) based plastic reported to biodegrade across environmental compartments within 18 months

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UN tackles marine plastic pollution

United Nations Environment Programme launches global campaign to eliminate ocean plastic pollution; calls on governments, industry, and consumer to take action and reduce plastic use

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Questions surround French deposit scheme

Pending introduction of a deposit-return scheme for bottles in France raising questions by stakeholders; applicable materials, functioning, and cost distributions not yet clear

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Socio-economic analysis of persistent pollutants

DG GROWTH publishes report on persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances, detailing ‘stock pollution’ approach to socio-economic analysis of such substances subject to REACH authorization and restriction in the EU