Virtual Media Desk

Workshop Virtual Media Desk Read some of the latest publications and learn more about media partners for the Food Packaging Forum 2023 Workshop Chemical Watch Chemical Watch provides independent intelligence and insight for product safety professionals managing chemicals. We help businesses across value chains stay ahead of the dynamic chemicals management agenda by providing access to in-depth knowledge, tools and a network of experts. We empower our members to transform product safety management and unlock the full value of regulatory […]

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Do you like our careful selection of daily news? Are our thoroughly-researched and peer-reviewed dossiers essential to your work? Is our newsletter—once a month in your inbox—a help for excelling in your job? Or do you simply believe in supporting independent scientific communication work? Whatever you like best about the Food Packaging Forum, we are happy to receive support from you that enables us to do our job. Please donate if you think it’s important to have an independent, balanced […]

News Article

Japan notifies WTO of positive list

Ministry notifies World Trade Organization of planned positive list system for food-contact plastics; separate lists for base polymer plastics, coatings, minor monomers; notification open for comments until October 8, 2019; system enters into force June 2020

News Article

Food Packaging Forum: Workshop 2015

FPF holds annual workshop on October 8, 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland; addresses chemical safety aspects of food packaging and provides outlook on future developments