Events 2015 Workshop

Food packaging and chemical safety: What does the future hold?

The Food Packaging Forum’s third annual workshop took a look at scientific trends and expected developments in the area of food contact materials and chemical safety. Participants and speakers from regulatory authorities, industry, and academia, as well as from public interest groups, gathered to discuss the issue of chemical migration from food contact materials and impact on health. We addressed today’s perspectives, looked at historical developments in analytical chemistry and chemical risk assessment, and shared insights on scientific challenges and […]

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Webinar on metabolic disruptors

Prof. Dr. Bruce Blumberg discusses chemicals that can interfere with the body’s fat metabolism in webinar hosted by Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) on March 21, 2018

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Italy to delay new plastics tax until 2021

Tax on non-recyclable plastics originally set to come into effect on July 1, 2020; delay until January 1, 2021 estimated to cost the government €140 million worth of tax revenue; enacted in response to COVID-19 pandemic

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Loop launches in the U.S.

Circular packaging platform launches in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S., announces Kroger and Walgreens as first retail partners and aims to expand to further regions