News Article

Science-based proposals for reducing packaging and increasing recycling rates

Researchers investigate packaging use and recycling as well as improvement options; find globalization and time-deprived society to majorly drive food packaging use and recommend economic degrowth to reduce use; report 11% of Spain’s plastic waste efficiently recycled, well below official reports from waste management companies; emphasize need to change material and packaging design to reach circularity targets

News Article

Measuring plastic particles released from food packaging and in human lungs

Scientists investigate plastic particles released from store-bought food packaging as well as human and mice health impacts of exposure; report single-use plastic products release >1012 nano-sized particles during use; find microplastics to suppress lysosomal activity in mouse macrophages; first detection of microplastics within human lung tissue samples; in vitro neurotoxicity study finds microplastics negatively impact human forebrain organoid development

News Article

What is the best beverage packaging?

Article in Spiegel Online compares beverage packaging materials made of glass, plastic and aluminum; reusable glass or plastic bottles are considered most eco-friendly

News Article

Industry survey on glass packaging and consumers

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) reports results from recent survey on European consumers; finds increase in glass packaging purchases, decisions being driven increasingly by recyclability and environmental considerations