Events 2013 Workshop

Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for risk assessment of food contact material chemicals

The Threshold of Toxicological Concern, short TTC, is a concept for assessing the risk of single chemical exposure to human health. It establishes generic exposure thresholds based on chemical structure below which chemicals are assumed to be safely used. In the absence of toxicological data, regulators, academic scientists and industry experts are using the TTC to perform chemical risk assessments. On October 17, 2013 the Food Packaging Forum held a workshop offering a platform for balanced information and scientific debate […]

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PET recycling will not meet brand commitments

National Association for PET Container Resources concludes that U.S. PET recycling rates too low to meet brand commitments for recycled content; calls for action, including improving collection

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Stakeholders discuss FCM regulatory evaluation

Discussions at EU Commission stakeholder event call for harmonized regulation of other food contact materials; REACH proposed as potential data source; concerns expressed regarding proposed ‘one-in, one-out’ approach for new laws within incoming Commission