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FPF webpage also available in Spanish

New language option on Food Packaging Forum’s website; section “Food Packaging & Health” also available in Spanish

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EFSA phthalates working group: 8th meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on phthalates supports EFSA webinar on the risk assessment of phthalates used in plastic food contact materials; webinar now available to watch online

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Increased glass recycling

European Container Glass Federation publishes latest industry data on glass packaging recycling; EU wide recycling rate reaches record 73%

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PolyTalk 2018

PlasticsEurope holds 2018 PolyTalk, a stakeholder forum to discuss plastics, on April 26-27, 2018 in Malta

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FDA/SOT colloquium on food contact substances

Colloquium co-organized by FDA and Society of Toxicology provides an overview of FDA’s practices in safety assessment of food packaging and other food contact substances, discusses alternative coatings and nanocomposites