News Article

Scientists explore effects of micro- and nanoplastics on mammals, including humans

Research studies show maternal polystyrene (PS) particle exposure can cause testicular and hepatic toxicity in male mouse offspring; report PS microplastics affect rat ovary function; find correlation between human fecal microplastics levels and Inflammatory Bowel Disease; reviews summarize potential human health effects; study develops a tool to screen and prioritize micro-and nanoplastics toxicity studies for human health risks evaluation

News Article

Phthalate exposure and health impacts

Four scientific articles report on phthalate exposure sources and impacts; diet partly explains urinary phthalate levels in adolescents and children surveyed in the US and New Zealand; review of reviews summarizes human health impacts; finds studies on women “generally underrepresented”; study indicates three phthalates affect human oral health

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Scientists debate bisphenol measurements

The Lancet publishes letters debating bisphenol A (BPA) measurement methods; U.S. authorities defend indirect approach, receive critical responses; researchers call for investigation of other environmental pollutants; Collaborative on Health and the Environment webinar on March 24, 2020 discusses results of study with lead author Patricia Hunt