Latest News

Status of reusable food packaging in Europe

Reports by civil society organizations analyze current state of reuse in Europe; survey of 90 reuse solutions finds sector is growing but needs further regulatory incentives to compete with single-use alternatives; urges stakeholders to collaborate to overcome transition cost hurdles; second report compares costs of single-use packaging and reuse systems; says switching to reuse is beneficial when including environmental costs

Japan proposes ban of 138 PFOA-related substances, revises food contact testing standards

Japanese ministries propose ban on 138 PFOA-related substances; will be classified as class I compounds; public consultation closes on October 9, 2024, ban will come into force on January 10, 2025; authorities revise testing standards, introduce overall migration test; takes effect in 2025

Reports on India’s challenges with plastics

Report analyzes Indian salt and sugar brands; finds microplastics in all samples; another report addresses plastic waste challenges; suggests stronger regulations and recycling and reuse efforts

Global plastic waste management and emissions

Using data from over 50,000 municipalities, with machine learning to fill gaps, global model estimates 52 million tons of plastic were released into unmanaged waste systems in 2020; report led by Arnika investigates effects of waste incineration on the environment and human health

FPF study: Food contact articles from all major markets contain potential and confirmed breast carcinogens

In a peer-reviewed article, researchers from the Food Packaging Forum identify and discuss nearly 200 potential breast carcinogens detected in food packaging and other food contact materials (FCMs) on the market; when limited to migration studies published in 2020-22, 76 potential and confirmed mammary carcinogens were measured; including in FCMs from EU, US, China, and elsewhere

Massive review highlights health risks of plastic-associated chemicals

Umbrella review analyzes 52 systematic reviews and 759 meta-analyses on plastic-associated chemicals and human health; bisphenols, phthalates, flame retardants, and PFAS were linked to adverse health effects; finds ties to reproductive issues, neurodevelopmental disorders, metabolic conditions, and cancers; research gaps remain, particularly microplastics and newer chemical groups

Researchers argue US regulatory frameworks are outdated, lag behind advancements in toxicology

In an opinion piece in Frontiers in Toxicology experts argue that multiple assumptions made by EPA and FDA are outdated; wrongly assume chemicals are quickly eliminated from the body, testing chemicals individually reflects real-world exposure scenarios; authors call for integrating modern scientific principles like mixture toxicology and endocrinology

New FPF study and database: Food contact chemicals in humans

New research from the Food Packaging Forum looks at food contact chemicals (FCCs) that have been detected in humans; compares known FCCs with human biomonitoring programs, metabolome/exposome databases and the scientific literature; 3,601 FCCs have evidence of presence in humans, including chemicals with hazardous properties; comes with interactive dashboard to browse all data

Food Packaging & Health

Regrettable substitution & the precautionary principle

When chemicals are assessed and regulated individually, the ones found…

Plastic recycling

Plastic recycling processes, regulations, market data and safety issues addressed


Rapid and cost-effective non-animal-based in vitro bioassays can be used…

Circular economy

A circular economy seeks to maintain the value of products…


Microplastics are an invisible form of plastic pollution; effects on…

Migration modeling

Mathematical modeling of chemical migration from food packaging into food…

Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)

NIAS occur in all types of food contact materials, are…

Mineral oil hydrocarbons

Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOHs) are commonly measured in food and…

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events including conferences, workshops, meetings, and trainings related to food packaging and health. See all


FPF dossiers are thoroughly researched by trained scientists. They provide in-depth background information about different topics pertinent to food contact materials and health. The dossiers compile scientific knowledge, market data and regulatory background in an easily accessible format. Dossiers include available data on chemical migration into food and effects on human health.

The Food Packaging Forum Foundation

The Food Packaging Forum Foundation (FPF) is a science communication organization. It is a charitable foundation based in Zurich, Switzerland. FPF provides independent and balanced information on issues related to chemicals in food packaging and other food contact articles, and their impact on health. FPF’s work addresses professional stakeholders, including business decision makers, regulators, scientists, media and communication experts. FPF is not a grantmaking foundation.

Fact sheet

Food packaging and human health

Food packaging is highly essential for protecting and handling food from farm to fork. However, packaging and other types of food contact articles are also a source of chemical contamination of food. The Food Packaging Forum’s fact sheet explains the most important aspects and provides resources for reducing chemical exposures.


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