News Article

BFFP: 13 key investments to combat plastic pollution

Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) recommends 13 key investments for US federal action; includes funding for multi re-use facility infrastructure, Environmental Protection Agency , research, government, and educational institutions; discourages further investments in chemical recycling, waste-to-energy/fuel technologies, carbon sequestration, downcycling, production, distribution and export of plastics

News Article

Prototype of SVHC reporting database open for testing

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) releases prototype version of database, aims to help companies familiarize themselves with submitting notifications for substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in articles; final database to be launched in late 2020, become mandatory January 5, 2021

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EU revises REACH restriction annex

New regulation updates entries within restricted chemicals list of REACH; removes substances now covered in separate law on persistent organic pollutants, adds toxicity classifications, updates standards for compliance with use of azo colorants

News Article

Study: migration into dry foods higher than US FDA assumption

Comprehensive literature review in the journal Food Additives and Contaminants investigates substance migration into dry foods and food simulants; review analyses: foods off store shelves, foods and food simulants in experimental settings, food particle characteristics, and packaging material; finds migration commonly exceeds 50 µg/kg assumed migration rate of dry foods according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)