News Article

Study characterizes chemicals present within recycled products

Scientific study characterizes chemicals contained in 210 consumer products made of recycled or virgin material regarding identity, functional use, structural class, and origin and prioritizes chemicals; 65% of chemicals with greater concentrations in recycled materials, along with a higher number of flame retardants, biocides, dyes, and fragrances in recycled materials

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US military, European Commission planning action on PFAS

Bipartisan bill in US Congress aims to prohibit military purchase of food service ware and food packaging containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); draft set of action points for European Commission chemicals strategy reported to restrict all non-essential uses of PFAS

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Researchers report NIAS migration from baby food pouches

Study performs migration testing on 79 plastic baby food pouches; finds four bisphenols, five phthalic acid diesters in targeted analysis and 26 more in suspect screening including 23 non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); NIAS adipic acid – diethylene glycol exceeds the threshold of toxicological concern in 40% of the pouches

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2023 FPF Workshop: Goals and policy processes for safe and sustainable FCMs

On the morning of the Food Packaging Forum’s 11th annual workshop, speakers share processes to measure sustainable food packaging while accounting for multiple concerns; three speakers share findings from developing frameworks to make packaging safer, account for tradeoffs, and reduce plastic packaging use; three speakers share how policy is developed at the United Nations and European Union

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Recycling food-grade plastics in the EU

Recycling Today reports on the challenges of supplying food-grade recycled plastics even as commitments increase; European Commission registers Citizens’ Initiative to create plastic bottle deposit and extended producer responsibility system in EU; World Wildlife Fund Germany investigates packaging system to find ways to increase circularity, encourages reuse over recycling

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FDA study finds PFAS in grocery store foods

Study presented by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration finds high levels of PFAS in some grocery store products, focus placed on sampling dairy farm near Air Force base and produce sold near PFAS production plant

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IKEA recalls travel mug for containing DBP

International retailer issues recall for all “Troligtvis” travel mugs made in India; recent testing finds levels of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) that exceed company’s set limits; phthalates have been prohibited in all IKEA food contact articles for years