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Recent reports on creating more circular food packaging

World Economic Forum (WEF) releases report on the Future of Reusable Consumption Models; aims to clarify “an alternative plastic waste-reduction model… beyond the recycling of waste”; Upstream publishes design principles for reusable packaging materials; The Consumer Goods Forum publishes nine “Golden Design Rules” for plastic packaging to increase recyclability

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France to launch glass deposit system

French government has announced plans to establish glass deposit system; aims to phase out single-use plastics by 2040; incentivizes reusable glass with dedicated fund of 50 million Euro

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NIAS migration from plastic wine corks

Scientific study uses non-targeted chemical analysis to provide an overview of chemicals migrating from 8 wine corks made of ethylene-vinyl acetate; identifies 50 compounds, 84% non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); finds one cork not suitable as food contact material

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Reviews examine biobased polymers

Several recent reviews examine the value chain of biobased polymers; discuss clarification of terms such as biobased, degradable, biodegradable, and compostable; define “biotechnological recycling (bio-recycling)” as the use of enzymes and microorganisms in a technological setting to biodegrade polymers; three biodegradable polymers assessed in marine field trials