News Article

Studying chemical mixtures

Workshop challenges scientists to analyze epidemiological data and develop appropriate statistical methods to assess effects of exposure to chemical mixtures

About Us

About the food packaging forum At the Food Packaging Forum, we enable stakeholders to make better decisions: We share the latest science on chemicals in food contact materials and on the environmental impacts of food packaging. Why a forum on food packaging? Food is essential to health and wellbeing. And food packaging plays a critical role in the storage of food, but it also has many other important functionalities in today’s complex, globalized food systems. Food packaging and food […]

News Article

National Academy of Sciences PFAS workshop

Two-day workshop on October 26th and 27th, 2019 in Washington, D.C. to explore human exposure to PFAS as well as control and prevention options; registration free of charge and open to the public; event will be live streamed and recorded for later viewing

Events 2021 Workshop

Different perspectives on food contact materials: Working together to make FCMs safer

The 2021 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place online in a virtual format on October 6-8, 2021, under the theme “Different perspectives on food contact materials: working together to make FCMs safer.” The event featured a range of high-profile speakers from different areas of expertise and provided insights into the latest science and policy-making within the field, as well as discussed how stakeholders can better work together to make food contact materials (FCMs) safer for everyone. Over 150 registered participants joined […]