News Article

Consumer perspectives on switching to reusable packaging

Four recent studies explore how to switch to reusable packaging; concerns related to hygiene and return logistics are barriers identified by all studies; cultural and socio-economic factors, the food items, and the setting play major role in the successful rollout; consumer desirability, business viability, sustainability, and technical feasibility are interlocked, and their combined analysis can support the roll-out of reuse systems

Publication Peer-reviewed papers

A vision for safer food contact materials: Public health concerns as drivers for improved testing

Muncke, J., Andersson, A.M., Backhaus, T., Belcher, S.M., Boucher, J.M., Almroth, B.C., Collins, T.J., Geueke, B., Groh, K.J., Heindel, J.J., von Hippel, F.A., Legler, J., Maffini, M.V., Martin, O.V., Myers, J.P., Nadal, A., Nerin, C., Soto, A.M., Trasande, L., Vandenberg, L.N., Wagner, M., Zimmermann, L., Zoeller, R.T., Scheringer, M.
2023, Environment Journal
News Article

Review of technologies for PHA production

Scientists review three main routes for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production, including microbiological, enzymatic, chemical; microbiological and chemical routes most favorable for scaling-up; remaining high costs compared to fossil-based plastics necessitate search for cheaper feedstocks, optimization of production efficiencies