News Article

Studies examine bio-based active packaging and drivers to mitigate pollution

Literature review explores opportunities of bio-based active materials in food packaging applications and the circular economy; demonstrates high research interest in the topic over last 20 years; finds agro-industrial waste as promising, renewable, and environmentally friendly resource for bio-based materials; study finds circular economy to be the focus of perspective articles to mitigate plastic pollution but mismatch with psychosocial research

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Health costs of PFAS estimated

Nordic Co-operation publishes socioeconomic analysis of environmental and human health impacts from exposure to PFAS; estimates EEA member countries incur 52 to 84 billion Euro in PFAS-related health costs annually

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Consumer perspectives on switching to reusable packaging

Four recent studies explore how to switch to reusable packaging; concerns related to hygiene and return logistics are barriers identified by all studies; cultural and socio-economic factors, the food items, and the setting play major role in the successful rollout; consumer desirability, business viability, sustainability, and technical feasibility are interlocked, and their combined analysis can support the roll-out of reuse systems

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BPA health costs at $3 billion annually

New study concludes on thousands of preventable cases of childhood obesity and heart disease caused by BPA; economic savings estimated to outweigh costs of replacing BPA