News Article

National parks in Thailand ban single use plastics

The Thai Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation bans styrofoam packaging and single-use plastics from all 155 national parks in the country; those caught with single-use food containers, cups, or utensils could face a fine up to 100,000 baht ($3,000 USD); Elephants and other animals reportedly eating plastics in national park north of Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok)

News Article

Several studies determine chemical migration from food packaging

Researchers from several European and Chinese institutions develop methods to explore chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs); report styrene migration from different polystyrene FCMs into several food matrices; detect photoinitiators in paper FCMs and chlorinated paraffins in green tea and its packaging; find irradiation treatment of metalized polypropylene to reduce migration of tested chemicals