News Article

Governments create website compiling EDCs across EU

Government agencies from six EU member states launch new website containing sets of substances identified as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) or currently under review for ED properties; separated into three sets recognized on the EU level, national level, or currently under review

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Final rule on GRAS

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues final rule on food ingredients ‘generally recognized as safe’; specifies requirements for scientific evidence; notification remains voluntary

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French order on food contact rubber

France publishes new Order on food contact rubber and pacifiers for infants and toddlers; updates lists of authorized substances, their specifications, restrictions; law enters into force on July 1, 2021

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Health advocates sue EPA over new TSCA rules

Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families and other organizations ask U.S. court to review EPA’s final rules on prioritization and risk evaluation of chemicals, claim rules insufficiently protect health and environment