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Over 115 health experts sign statement on safety of reuse

Greenpeace and UPSTREAM publish statement signed by wide-range of doctors and public health researchers, emphasize that reuse systems in stores and restaurants can be implemented safely during COVID-19 pandemic by following standard sanitation laws; single-use items not inherently safer than reusables

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Review on food contamination

Scientific article summarizes sources of chemical contamination during food production, transport, storage, and processing

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Scientific Advisory Board

The Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Scientific Advisory Board serves as an expert pool for the FPF and supports the FPF through scientific peer review.

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Nanoclay migration from FCM

Study investigates nanoclay migration from commercialized nanoclay-LDPE food bags; aluminum migrates in both dissolved and nanoparticle forms; also particles of assumed plastic origin found

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Washington state publishes updates on PFAS, draft criteria

Department of Ecology for the US state of Washington publishes alternatives assessment for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging, identifies alternatives for four packaging types; restrictions will come into force early 2023; working draft criteria defining “safer” and “feasible and available” for alternative assessments released for public comment

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Chemical Hazard Data Commons

U.S. NGO Healthy Building Network launches free online resource Chemical Hazard Data Commons aggregating hazard determinations for over 85 000 substances, aimed to facilitate substitution of hazardous chemicals

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The chemical and waste footprint of food delivery in China

Study uses online food delivery sales data from nearly 200 Chinese cities, combined with packaging samples from 18 of those cities to model packaging waste generation and chemical exposure from waste incineration; some degradation products with higher concentrations than intentionally added parent product; over 50 tons of the targeted additives likely released into the atmosphere from Chinese waste incinerators